To Our Valued Patients,
We understand that you may have concerns regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Your dental health, overall well-being and safety is our priority at Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry. We would like to assure you that our providers are sanitizing all their workspaces before and after services. Our team is regularly cleaning and sanitizing the lobby and common areas, wiping down chairs, tables, displays and restrooms. In addition, there is hand sanitizer available throughout the office. We want to assure you that you can feel safe keeping your appointment. Postponing your dental treatment can lead to unnecessary pain and discomfort.
However, if you are experiencing symptoms or have been exposed to anyone with the Coronavirus, we will be happy to reschedule your appointment. During this time, we encourage everyone to not panic and stay smart. Be cautious when in large groups, wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, avoid touching your face.
The CDC has provided resources on what you need to know regarding COVID-19. Please take a moment to review for further information. CDC Information on COVID-19
Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions or concerns where a dedicated team member will be happy to assist you.
-Your Dental Team at Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry