Three dentists looking at a laptop computer


Why do I Need Professional Teeth Cleanings?

March 18, 2017

Why do I Need Professional Teeth Cleanings? Let’s look at five reasons why you should get your teeth regularly cleaned. 1. We check for oral cancer With cancer, the sooner it’s detected the better chance you have of successfully getting rid of it. Oral cancer is no different. During each teeth cleaning, we check for…

How to Get Rid of Canker Sores

March 3, 2017

Imagine you are eating a big, juicy steak cooked to perfection. You cut out a chunk of steak place it in your mouth. The first bite is delicious, and the second bite is even better. But then, in your fervor for chewing, you forget where the steak ends and where your cheek begins. Before you…

What is The Best Dental Routine

February 15, 2017

You hear advice everywhere you go. Brush and floss daily. Use mouthwash to fight bad breath. One out of every four dentists recommends using a Waterpik. Dental health is very important, and as a consumer, there are a ton of options to pick from. To help make your dental hygiene routine easier, we’re going to…

Conquer Toothaches Once and For All

January 31, 2017

There is nothing worse than feeling the pain of a toothache creep into your mouth. In honor of National Toothache Day (February 9th), let us delve into toothache symptoms, what it could mean, and some things you can do to help with pain, as well as prevent toothaches from happening. Symptoms Since a toothache is…

Debunking Dental Myths

January 15, 2017

When you think about myths, chances are your first reaction is to think about the classics—Greek myths with monsters and gods, classic American myths like Paul Bunyan or Rip Van Winkle, or maybe even urban legends. Historically, myths helped our ancestors make sense of the world and explain why they thought and acted the way…

So You Burnt Your Tongue, What’s Next?

January 1, 2017

So You Burnt Your Tongue, What’s Next? Foods and drinks are a huge part of our daily life. Not only do we need them to live, but meals are a huge part of every culture. Let’s paint a scene for you. You are out with a group of friends at a pizza parlor. The aroma…

Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

December 20, 2016

Ouch! Maybe it’s a fresh smoothie, a spoonful of ice cream, or even just a sip of ice water—but there it is, throbbing tooth pain. There are many reasons why you might be experiencing tooth sensitivity to cold. Fortunately, you can take several steps to remedy this yourself, including checking with your dentist. Other symptoms…

The Gift of Giving

December 5, 2016

As the holiday season continues in full effect, a lot of people get in the mood for giving. With Thanksgiving just over, you probably ate so much that you envy cows and their four stomachs. But before you delve into eggnog, cookies, prime rib, and fruitcake (Well, we aren’t sure anyone has eaten fruitcake in…

How Does Diabetes Affect Your Mouth?

November 15, 2016

What You Need To Know: The Effect Diabetes Has On Oral Health Diabetes affects every aspect of your life. From ensuring your blood sugar is at the right level to keeping up with regular exercise, managing diabetes is no easy task. You must be aware of many complications that can arise from diabetes, and your…

Should You Keep Flossing?

November 1, 2016

Flossing: In or Out? It’s been six months since your last teeth cleaning. You arrive at your appointment and get called to head to the back by your hygienist. As she begins cleaning your teeth, she asks the question we all dread. “How often do you floss?” If you’re like many people, you might stretch…

Four Rare and Interesting Dental Anomalies

October 15, 2016

Four Rare and Interesting Dental Anomalies Everyone knows the saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” Do cats have a saying for us? If they could talk, it would be along the line of, “Curiosity drives humans crazy until they find out what they’re looking for.” In the dental world, there are many fascinating cases and conditions…

Dental Tips for the Mentally Disabled

October 1, 2016

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Dental Tips for the Developmentally Disabled If you’ve ever taken care of someone else, you understand how difficult it can be to get them to brush their teeth and floss every day. When you’re caring for a child—or adult—with a disability, the challenges can be even greater, as they may…

How to Pull a Child’s Tooth

September 15, 2016

My Kid’s Tooth Is Loose — What’s Next? Being a parent is one of the most stressful tasks in a person’s life. Once you master one stage of your child’s life, they move on to the next stage with a whole new set of problems to figure out. Case in point: their mouth. You spend…

Survive Allergy Season

September 1, 2016

Survive Allergy Season Making the Best of Your Summer and Fall For most parts of the country, summer and early fall are often filled with outdoor adventures. From enjoying the local water hole and hiking to classic barbecues and playing your favorite lawn game, the fun is endless. However, according to the American College of…

Stressed Out: Can Stress Affect Your Teeth?

August 15, 2016

Stressed Out: Can Stress Affect Your Teeth? You have too much to do at work. You have to juggle a million tasks between your children, your spouse, and errands — not to mention your mother-in-law is in town for the weekend. We all have those days, and those days can add immense stress to your…

When Should You Change Your Toothbrush?

August 1, 2016

Keep Your Toothbrush in Fighting Shape Everything You Need to Know About Your Toothbrush You hear it time and time again: Brush your teeth at least twice a day. It becomes so routine that you brush your teeth while juggling a few other tasks at the same time. How much time goes by before you…

Protect Your Teeth: Preventive Steps Toward Better Oral Health

July 1, 2016

Taking preventive measures to protect your teeth from decay is essential for maintaining your natural smile. While prevention includes maintaining good at-home oral hygiene practices and making it to your routine dental visits, there are additional steps you can take to help keep your teeth healthy, strong, and safeguarded against the harmful bacteria that leads…

Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Floss

June 15, 2016

Even though baby’s first teeth are temporary, getting an early start on excellent dental hygiene practices, including both brushing and flossing, is essential to a lifetime of good oral health. Dental decay is one of the most common childhood diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 42% of children ages 2…

Summer is Here! Are your Lips Ready?

June 1, 2016

“Summer loving had me a blast, oh yeah. Summer loving happened so fast…” —Grease, Summer Nights Its’ the stuff dreams and movies are made of: summer love. Warm summer nights, afternoons at the beach, vacations to the Caribbean—whether you are hoping to meet your next crush or are looking forward to romancing your long-time love…

Oral Piercings & Your Dental Health

March 15, 2016

A Healthy Smile Is Your Best Accessory Body piercings have become increasingly prevalent over the past decade, and with more and more celebrities like Victoria Beckham, Tyrese, and Christina Aguilera sporting them, they are only gaining popularity among people of all ages. While piercings offer people the opportunity to express their individuality and add some…

March Mania and Mouthguards: Protect Your Teeth

March 2, 2016

The madness of March is right around the corner, and 68 NCAA Division I basketball teams will go head to head over the course of three weeks to determine the national champion — and you know what that means: excitement, upsets, and kids and adults alike heading out to have fun on the courts themselves.…

Dental Sealants: The 5 W’s (and How)

February 25, 2016

Sealants are commonly used in modern dentistry to prevent decay on the biting (occlusal) surface of a tooth. They were first used in 1967 and were recognized as an effective treatment by the American Dental Association in 1971. Parents may have questions about why a sealant has been recommended for their child. This article aims…

Oral Cancer: What You Need to Know

February 10, 2016

Do you ever wonder what the dentist is doing during the exam when they are looking around in your mouth, on the inside of your cheeks, or under your tongue? They are actually checking your mouth for signs of oral cancer. This is performed regularly at all new-patient exams and all six-month checkups at Riccobene…

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